Friday, February 24, 2017

Five on Friday (February 23, 2017)

1. This is an honorable mention that I forgot to blog about from last week. Ben completed his 5th grade T-n-T book in Awana. He set a really high goal and wouldn't quit until he reached it. He ended up saying a total of 16 sections in order to complete his book. I picked him up from church and this kid was absolutely beaming and so proud of himself. It took a lot of effort and concentration and not getting to go to gym so he could spend the extra time saying verses to his leader...but in the end, he was soaring. He said it was so worth it. He's out gunning for beating Zyra's old record of 22 sections in one night. And as a mom, it's so rewarding to see him so excited about hiding God's word in his heart. I just love this program.

2. The Awana Overnighter is tonight. Ben and Ella are old enough to go and they are completely psyched for it. The kids meet up at church tonight at 6:30 for a pizza feed and then there are games galore including a flashlight scavenger hunt and more dodgeball than you can shake a stick at. And as an "overnighter" they stay up until they can't take it any longer and crash in their sleeping bags on the floor. I informed Jason that the only way they could go was if *one* of us volunteered. Guess who's gonna be slumming it on the floor and guess who's gonna be cozy and comfy in her own king-sized bed tonight? :)

3. Speaking of the overnighter, there is a certain someone who is weaving like a mad-man. He left his art weaving project until the very last minute. As in it was due yesterday. Seriously. The parents were none-to-happy about this lack of judgement and irresponsibility. Ben was told that he had to finish his project if he wanted to be able to go tonight...hence the weaving, weaving, weaving. Procrastination at it's finest.

4. We are busy getting ready for the upcoming trip. I know I have talked about it a zillion times on here, but I am really. really. excited. We have never taken a trip on an airplane as a family together. In fact, the 4 of the 5 children who have been on a plane before were tooooo little to remember anything about it. I can't wait to watch them experience flight and I can. not. wait. to see them  experience the ocean and all it's power and beauty. Suitcases have been hauled out and I spent the past weekend sorting through bins and bins of summer clothes. It's starting to get real now! Each child is responsible for wheeling their own carry-on...except Hattie. Jason is certain he will be carrying her duffle bag on one side with her on the other. :) If I had to wager, I would say he's probably right. hehe. Which also means I will be rolling two carry-ons myself.

5. When we announced we would be taking a family vacation back in January, it was 67 days away. The kids were told that once we got down to "20 days left", we would make a chain and each day take away one link until all that remained was the one telling us we were leaving on a jet plane. So a few days ago, I got out the construction paper and we sat around the table as a family, writing numbers on slips of paper. It was such a simple activity, but one that bonded us and brought us all together in anticipation of it. We had so much fun! I'm determined that every trip we take from here on out has to have a count-down chain to go along with it. Please disregard the obnoxious mess in the mudroom...this is real life, people.

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