Friday, May 21, 2010

Deck Part 2 & 3

Well, the deck is coming along wonderfully. In fact, we were told that it should be finished by the end of next week.

I have been trying to get out as much as I can to look for furniture for the porch. Well, the kids and I have been looking.

But it has proved to be very interesting with 3 little opinions.

Very. Interesting.

But, luckily, most of the decision rests with me. :) And I think I have found "the one".

It's been quite a challenge to have this project going on and not really being able to use it at all. Yet. The kids really want to climb up and down the stairs.

Although the stairs are probably the safest part right least they have railings. :)

As the siding came off, our house quickly became the most obnoxious looking house in the neighborhood. Good thing it's only temporary!

Aaahhh. The roof. Shade at last. Now things are starting to really take shape. I know we are going to spend many evenings relaxing outside this summer.

Even Jason gets to join in on the fun. What's not to work, power tools, heights, and getting to wear a tool belt!

The roofers come tomorrow and next week will show lots of finishing touches. Can't wait to enjoy it! Really. Can't. Wait.

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