Thursday, June 14, 2007

Strawberry Pickin'

We had such a great day yesterday. We got invited out to pick fresh strawberries with our friends Tricia, Greta, and Owen. Ella was so excited about our adventure. The minute she woke up yesterday morning she was asking when we were leaving to go pick strawberries. We loaded on the sunscreen and selected our pails. Ella even wanted her own. I wasn't sure how that was going to go...was she really going to actually want to pick more than 3 strawberries?? She assured me that she did and needed her own pail. Much to my surprise, Ella was a great little picker! She filled her pail about 1/3 full and filled 100% of her tummy full of those little red gems.

Ben had fun too. I wore him on my back as I knelt down and searched for my treasures. He was content just sitting there enjoying being outside. Once I was finished, I let him have his first taste. He was a little unsure with the first bite, but then decided whole-heartily that he indeed did love this little fruit. I couldn't get them in his mouth fast enough. He was devouring them... as little drops of sweet juice ran down his chin. Now that's a good day!

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