Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Happy New Year!

Ok, I realize that I am a day late, but what can you do? We celebrated New Year's at my mom's house with lots of my relatives. Everyone showed up in the afternoon and stayed until the wee hours of the morning. Now I'm no night-owl, so this silliness of staying up until midnight just doesn't make a lot of sense to me. What exactly is the point? To watch the ball drop in Times Square on a pre-recorded show? I would rather watch it at 11:00 when it really is happening, call it a night, and go to bed. Jason and I got the kids to bed and stayed up with everyone else to ring in the new year. About 10 minutes after midnight I was putting on my jammies and brushing my teeth. I'm getting to old for this kind of stuff. The ironic thing about it all is that just because we stay up to "enjoy" (and I use this word loosly) the festivies doesn't mean our sweet little angel boy understands that he should sleep in extra in the morning. Ben went to bed at normal time, so Ben got up at normal time. Whew! 5:50am sure can come soon when that stupid ball doesn't drop until midnight. Poor hubby...thank goodness he got up with the wee-one instead of me! My sweet Mom took the kids around 10am so we could go back to sleep again. Hmmm, seemed like a good idea at the time. It sure felt good to wake up around noon...wow it's been a long time since I've done that. Did I mention that I couldn't fall asleep the next night for a hill of beans? (Hmmm, where did I get that expression?) I laid awake in bed for 5 stinky hours, wanting to sleep, wondering why I wasn't sleeping, and waiting to fall asleep. Oh, the irony of it all. Will I do this again next year? Probably. Why? I have no idea at all!

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