Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Ben Turns 11

How is this possible? Someone...please tell me.

11 years old?!?

Whew, time flies by much too quick.

This kid is growing up and I wish I could stop time.

Ben is a boy full of passion, a fight-for-what-you-want kid. He doesn't back down easily and can be tenacious. But beneath that tough exterior is a boy who can also be kind and compassionate, one who at times surprises me with his gentle heart.

We spent his day enjoying the warm sun outside, eating out at a Chinese restaurant (his pick), opening presents, and eating chocolate cheesecake.

*notice the lovely gift, we are soooo bad at wrapping presents around here.

I watched him outside yesterday, patiently teaching some of the neighbor boys how to improve their basketball game. I was taken back by how he was calmly encouraging them (even when one was getting a little on the grouchy order cause he wasn't making the shot).

He loves his sisters, even though he would tell you that some times they are "annoying", but you can't fool this mama. He comes home from school and most often will start wrestling Ella to the ground, whether she's a willing participant or not. He just wants to reconnect with her and get her attention.

And the times that he and Hattie have one-on-one time is so cute to behold. He takes her little hand in his and teaches her how to build with legos or how to play soccer. And it melts my heart when he asks if she can have a sleepover with him or at least come down to help tuck him into bed.

I know God has great plans for this boy. With his tenacity, he could be a force to be reckoned with. He has set goals for his Awana verses this year in bible memorization and I trust that God is going to use those seeds that are being planted to bring Him glory. I feel so blessed that God brought us together.

Happy Birthday, Benjamin Jae.

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