1. How is it Friday already?!? It seems some weeks just drag on and others zoom on past. Can't say that I'm sad to see it's Friday. I love a good Friday...and this one hasn't disappointed. The day has gone really well: the kids have played good, I've gotten lots accomplished, and Jason and I are going on a date tonight! Yes, you read that right. Grammie and Papa are coming over to watch the kidlets so the hubby and I can get away for a few hours. He has been so incredibly busy with work these past few weeks I feel like we have been two ships passing in the night. I can't wait to reconnect with him and spend some time without kid interruptions.
2. This week has included dr. visits via mychart. I am so impressed so far with how quick of a response I am getting from the CVS Specialist at Wisconsin Children's Hospital. I can ask her any question and she personally gets back to me within a day or so. I had to take Hattie in for a few more lab tests that were ordered. 2 of the 3 have come back so far and they have shown to be within range so that is a huge blessing to see her numbers return to normal. Secondly, I had to collect a "stool" sample. I've found it not a particularly pleasant job as a mother, but one has to do what one has to do. Thank goodness they provide a very large popsicle stick and rubber gloves.
3. Ella has been invited by one of her friends from West to take part in Girl's Time held in Maple Grove. It also happens to be that her friend's mom is Ella's Spanish teacher. :) She is going to be learning how to do some sewing tonight and she's pretty excited. I'm hoping her sewing skills will one day surpass mine...which really shouldn't take too long.
4. Lily said 17 verses at Awana this week. To say I'm proud is an understatement. That's a lot of verses and she put in a lot of time this week working on them. I love celebrating her accomplishments and this is one for the records.
5. This weekend will include packing for vacation since we leave in only 9 days. It's getting down to the last week and I have a million things still to do. I spent the better part of today researching kayaking adventures for us to do while in Cocoa Beach as well as some fun excursions in Orlando. Although this week has been pretty chilly as far as temps go (snow made a reappearance), Sunday is supposed to be a record-setting 61 so I am planning on taking that day off and getting outside with the kids.
6. Just since I can, I'm doing one more...Pippin is here spending the better part of a week with us. Between you and me, it's nice to have an animal in the house again. I forgot how therapeutic it is to just sit and pet them, have them want to lay next to you, and look into their expressive eyes.
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