Thursday, March 23, 2017

Finding My Bearings

We returned from Florida around 11pm on Tuesday night...

Since this was our first major vacation with 5 kids ever, I didn't realize what a task it is to try and get back into routine, unpack suitcases, wash laundry, grocery shop, and teach school.

I'm just trying to find my bearings again.

I may feel like I need a vacation after my vacation.

Luckily, we have a three day weekend starting and I'm confident we can all catch up on some rest as well as other household things that need our attention. By Monday, I hope to be back at it...

In the meantime, I thought a few pics would be nice.

A little teaser from Florida.

Banana River...which is really a lagoon. We hoped to see some manatees, but it was not to be.

View out our 4th floor condo of Cocoa Beach. We were soooo close to the ocean.

One of the seven people who were unhappy about leaving the warm, sunny state.

The "cool kids" look...

Some very tired sisters.

Ella and I at the Cocoa Beach Pier around dusk
The Zoo Crew

Our first day at the ocean. It was still a little chilly, but the warm-up was coming soon.

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