Monday, January 30, 2017

Swan Lake Field Trip

After a busy week off which included Hattie's appointment with the Specialist that we have been waiting 7 months for,  a birthday party, dinner out with friends, and a host of other things, I am back to blogging and will update Hubler Planet over the next few days.

To start it off, Grammie planned a field trip for us! (Can I just say how much fun it was?!? Planning field trips is not my strength.) Swan Lake in Monticello is a place where trumpeter swans come to grab a bite to eat while they winter in MN. We watched as they were fed corn by the man who lives right along the river. It was really fun to see...and hear.

We returned back to Grammie's for lunch and art projects. Hattie made a few trumpeter swans out of construction paper, while the bigger kids made drawings of them.

This is the man who faithfully feeds the swans every day during the winter.

This little one got cold so we went back to the van where it was warm.

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