Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Snapshot: January

Considering . . . volunteering to help with the children's spring musical at church. Watching the Christmas one just made me want to get in there and join the fun.

Reading . . . some are still on the request list at the library as I am in a long line of "holds"!
  • Night by Elie Wiesel - I had a recommendation for this one. I picked it up from the library and after reading the summary, put it back down. I can tell it's not for the faint of heart and I'm not ready to start my year off with a book of that magnitude.
  • The Power of One Thing: How to Intentionally Change Your Life by Randy Carlson.
  • Falling Free: Rescued from the Life I Always Wanted by Shannan Martin - I have heard good things about this book so I hope it lives up to the hype.
  • The Expats by Chris Pavone - meh
  • Love and Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch
  • Hands Free Mama by Rachel Macy Stafford- I read this a while back, but only made it through half the book. What I read was very good so I want to finish it up.
  • Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple - supposed to be quirky and I could use a light, feel-good read
  • The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo - maybe 2017 will be the year I get a handle on my house? Hey...stranger things have happened!
  • Notes from a Blue Bike by Tsh Oxenreider - another one I started, gleaned good things from, and never finished...I'm on a mission to see this one through this time.
Looking Forward To . . . Getting the tree and Christmas décor put away tonight. I'm so sick of the extra clutter. I wanted to take it down a few days after Christmas, but Jason told me that I would be too "grinchy" if I did that.

On The Watch List . . . The Life of Pi. I got this on blu-ray for Jason for Christmas and I'm itching to see it. Here's to hoping we get the kids down for bed early one night and we can set up camp in front of the projector downstairs. We watched the new Jungle Book over the holiday break and I thought the movie was excellent, although quite intense at times!

Admitting . . . I'm feeling beaten and battered in regards to dealing with my headaches. They seem to be an almost-constant companion and I'm not really liking the company. I'm not sure if they have gotten worse or if after 30+ years of chronic pain, I'm really feeling the toll they take on me. Either way, staying positive seems to be elusive to me these days.
    Anticipating . . . Hattie's appointment at Children's Milwaukee to see the CVS specialist on January 24. This appointment is 7 months in the making. Her tummy has been ramping up again and daily tummy pain is the norm. Praying that they have something for us that might help. It about kills me to see her in chronic pain as I know what that can do to a person over time.

    Thankful . . . for car pool in the afternoons for Ben (I have the morning shift which gets it done and out of the way for the rest of the day).

    Drinking . . . warm rooiboos tea...cause I'm constantly freezing and ain't nobody got time for that. (insert: I'm sooooo sick of winter)

    Out my Window . . .it must have rained a bit over night before the 7 degree weather made it's appearance because it literally looks like a skating rink outside right now. The sidewalk, driveway, cul-de-sac...pure ice. I'm glad to be home today.

    Countdown . . . to our family trip to Florida in March. Flight tickets have been purchased and rental has been secured. Now just to figure out lodging, activities, menu (since we will most likely cook most of our meals there), and packing lists. Good thing I still have some time. ;)

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