Tuesday, February 7, 2017


We are learning about marine animals right now in anticipation of our trip to Florida next month. We are all so excited about vacation!!

I thought that it would be a great opportunity to include some education...then our vacation can sort of be counted as school! I love how that works!!

There are so many things to see in Florida and just knowing that makes these animals all the more interesting to learn about. The kids are loving it. The big kiddos have some extra assignments of researching where in FL we can hope to see some of these amazing creatures. Animals on our list include: manatees, dolphins, sea stars, turtles, shark teeth (cause I don't really want to see a live shark in the area I'm swimming), mollusks, and tide pool creatures.

Last week we learned about how the moon creates tides, what high tide and low tide actually are, and what makes the ocean currents. Our condo that we are going to be staying in Cocoa Beach literally looks out onto the Atlantic. This will give us a great opportunity to see the tides change first-hand. Hopefully we will see some tide pools and get to see some of the animals that call them home.

We dove into the chapter about whales last night. Cora decided that she wanted to take notes. Keep in mind this girl is currently 6 years old and in the first grade. I read out loud from this book, we found pictures of whales, and we listened to whale songs via youtube. When we were all done, Cora presented her page to me and told me she had been writing things done.

I was stunned at how much information she retained, that she tackled some really big words, and really captured the essence of what we learned. Honestly, I couldn't teach these note-taking skills! I didn't tell her what to write at. all.

A first-grader! She is crazy smart, this one.

Here is a sampling of it. It was also written on the back-side. Go figure.

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