Tuesday, October 18, 2016


It's time...

Even if there doesn't seem to be any extra of it...

It's still time...

It's time to resurrect Hubler Planet, to get back on the wagon, to pick up my baby again...

It's time to breathe life back into this little online space of mine...

It's time.

Life is busy. With 5 kids and homeschooling, I feel like I don't have any free time. I barely have any time for myself these days, let along blogging. I ran across this quote and it truly resonated with me.

I don't have a "9-5", I have a "When I open my eyes to when I close my eyes."

And this folks, is why I stepped away from Hubler Planet. I was swamped with being a mom, a teacher, a wife, and all of the other hats I wear. I couldn't handle one more "thing" that needed to be done, and I felt guilty for when I didn't get to it. But you know what? I'm realizing that with all the things going on in a busy family of 7, it's so easy to forget all the little funny things that happen, the mundane things that make up life, and the little details of big events.

And this is why it's time.

Because I don't want to forget all of these things that make up "life." This is my labor of love to my family...a record of us. :)

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