Saturday, March 7, 2015

Snapshot #5

Snapshot #5
Outside my window: bright, bright sunshine and piles of melting hearing the dripping water coming off the roof. There's talk of 50+ degree weather coming our way next week! Crazy to think that at the beginning of this week we have -13 below windchills. Hoping that kind of craziness is gone until next winter.

I am thinking: about my sweet girlies. Cora and Lily both woke in the middle of the night not feeling well. Upon further inspection this morning, they are both rocking 102 degree fevers. Their room has been set up with mattresses on the floor and a laptop playing movies. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that quarantining them might keep this from the rest of us.

I am thankful for: baths, pedicures, walking, ability to carry Hattie again, etc. - all things I could not do while healing from surgery. But not that I am almost 11 weeks post op (woot, woot) things are starting to return to normal around here. Full recovery is expected to take a year, but I am so thankful for where I am at now.

Future plans I'm looking forward to: Jason and I are taking a trip to Orlando! We are excited to have some time alone to rejuvenate and I'm thrilled to breathe in warm air and lounge poolside. We are also planning a day trip to Cocoa Beach...the ocean is calling my name.

Last 3 purchases: Veneer for the face of the fireplace downstairs, doors for the basement, and a new swimsuit for Orlando. I made my life easy on that last one. I bought 4 swimsuits from Kohl's online and got free shipping. Low and behold, one of them became a quick favorite...and I didn't even have to leave my house! Now just to return the others that didn't make the cut.

I am reading: The Happiness of Pursuit and Hands Free Mama is queued up next. The Happiness of Pursuit is giving me some ideas for a quest. Well, to be honest, I've got a few in mind. One for the family and one for me personally. Once I nail it down, I'll share more. :)

In the kitchen: Leftovers...gotta love not having to make another meal!

Biggest Achievement for the Week: Transitioning Hattie to her toddler bed. She's been sleeping on a mattress on the floor next to Ella since my surgery. I finally took the leap and dismantled her crib. I was a bit melancholy. I've had to use that crib in one capacity or another for over 10 years now. To take it down is closing a chapter in my life. I have truly loved having a baby in the house.

Watching: We saw The Drop Box on Thursday night and it was worth the 9:30pm showing. It was thought provoking, inspiring, heart wrenching, and convicting all at the same time. It has really challenged me to think about what I am doing for kids who don't have a family to call their own. It's so easy to get stuck in our own little bubbles where everything seems fine and dandy. To avert our eyes to the troubles of the world because it's just easier to pretend they don't exist and we can go about our daily lives.  But the fact is that there are children out there hurting and alone...and what am I going to do about it? My answer can't be "nothing."
Rest-of-the-day plans: nursing sick kiddos back to health, painting stair skirt boards for the basement, and hopefully sitting down to do a little vacation planning.

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