Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Update on Hattie

I took Hattie into the doctor on Monday. Her cough was so aweful that once my mother heard it over the phone, she told me I really should get it checked out. We buzzed over to the clinic where they checked her ears, throat, and lungs.

Although she is having a rough time, it seems to only be bacterial. I am so thankful. I am a mama who doesn't like giving antiobiotics unless absolutely necessary so I was thrilled that she  wasn't going to need any.

We went from this "look" on Sunday night ...

Soaking in the tub (pic taken one handed with my phone) this look Monday afternoon. I was so grateful for some healing!

We are not out of the woods yet, as her cough and goopy nose are still very much with us, but each day gets just a little bit better.

As a mom, it is so hard to see your baby feeling absolutely miserable. I am so thankful that my little Hattie-Cakes has started to return.

Thanks to all of you who have checked in on us. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers. :)

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