Thursday, April 24, 2014


Before you get too excited...this snowstorm was from last week.

But I became busy, never got around to, forgot to post about it.

The snow came down so fast and in huge clumps.

It didn't take long for it to start filling up the back porch. This amount was from early on in the storm. I should have taken a beginning and end picture so you could see just how much fell.

We ended up with around 16 inches. Completely crazy. A major snowstorm in April.

Then I remembered that last year, on April 18, we were in the hospital and Hattie was 1 day old. I was ready to head home, but we were stranded there because of the blizzard that was going on outside. My Dad couldn't get down to the Twin Cities to meet his new grandbaby because I94 was shut down.

This year, within just a few days, we had temps of 70 degrees. Luckily this snow never stood a chance on hanging around for too long.

What a crazy month April can be.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I had my camera out the other day...and Ella was my model.

I tell ya, it's hard for this girl to take a bad picture. Ever.

And just in case you were wondering, she's growing up a little too fast for this mama's liking.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Out of the Mouths of Babes

I'm sure there's musings that happen around here, but I only remembered to jot down two of them so that's all there is for today. :)

Cora: When I get to heaven, can I give Jesus a hug?
Mom: Absolutely!!
Cora: Do you think He would like that?
Mom: I'm positive He would love that.
Jason: Ben, where are you gonna live when you get bigger?
Ben: Hmmm...Right here. (pointing to the other side of the pond)
Mom: Good, nice and close. Then you can come over and mow my lawn.
Ben: No, then you can come over and mow my lawn!

Friday, April 18, 2014


Aaliyah was up over spring break...and the kids all had a blast spending time with her.

A quick shot of the six of them...

And one of Aaliyah...

We sure love when she comes to visit.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday, Hattie!!

Disclaimer: I tried so hard to get this all typed up and on the blog yesterday...but with a little girl to celebrate, it just didn't get done until this morning.

APRIL 17...

I. Cannot. Believe. It.

My baby is one today! Which techinically means she's not a baby anymore...but now a toddler.

Be still my heart.

It's hard to believe that in one short little year, she went from this:

to this:

To say I love this little girl is an understatement. She is such a blessing to me and I can't imagine my life without her in it. Hattie is growing up so fast and is really coming into her own. She can sign a few things (all done, more) and gets so excited when I sign "milk" to her. She has started to point to things that she wants and voices her opinion on most things. We (Mommy and Hattie) are usually the first two awake in the morning. Once we get downstairs to the living room, I turn the tv on to catch the first headlines of news for the day. The other day we came down as usual, but I didn't turn the tv on. Hattie started pointing at it and voicing "aaa...aaaa..aa". I looked at her and asked "Do you want mama to turn the tv on?!?" She started laughing and smiling. I wasn't sure if she seriously was communicating with me or if it was just a fluke. I continued to sit there. She again started pointing and voicing her opinion. I asked her again if she wanted mama to turn on the tv to which she started laughing and smiling. So I picked her up and walked right over to the tv. I pointed at it and asked again, she gave me all the confirmation I needed. I turned it on and she looked at me as if to tell me "good job, mama." ...the signs that she's not so little anymore. She's starting to really communicate with me and I can hardly believe it.

Hattie is still crawling...very fast. She can make her way around the house in very little time. Today Cora left the bathroom door open. That room holds so much mystery since Hattie is not allowed to hang out in there for obvious reasons. She looked at the open door, back at me, and then made a beeline for it. I could not believe how fast she could crawl. Needless to say, I didn't make it there before her! She also let me know just how unhappy she was that I was removing her from that amazing room.

Hattie is an affectionate, sweet, cuddly little girl. She loves her quiet time with Mama in her room and she loves morning snuggle time. Being outdoors is a whole new world for her after the cold, cold winter we have had. I can only imagine the tears that will come when it's time to come inside this coming spring. Hattie loves cream cheese, cottage cheese, and bananas. Those things are at the top of her list. Other decent items include: peas, yogurt, cheese, sweet potatoes, pears, apples, peaches, squash, rice, and avocados. We are still working on meats...she will eat them when they are strategically hidden inside something. :)

Walking isn't something she is interested in yet...although she pulls herself up to standing on almost anything...the ottoman, couch, a leg, whatever. She has just started to stand by herself, but is still pretty wobbly. She likes her walking toy, but it plays music, so she is usually too busy dancing to concentrate on figuring out how to walk with it. :)

Hattie doesn't believe in sleep. I'm not kidding. I've dubbed her the "sleepless wonder." The girl takes the tiniest of naps and to be honest, I'm not sure I can even consider them naps. To nap implies a decent amount of rest has been taken. And I'm quite certain 13 minutes doesn't qualify. A normal day consists of two naps...each between 20-30 minutes. And our record is 3 minutes. Sigh. The nights aren't too bad, if you consider waking 2-4 times a night normal. :) She's also decided that if Mama's gonna sleep with her (which I have to admit gives me the warm fuzzies), then it's gotta be right on top of me. Not the left side, not the right side...just plain ol' right on top.  I've gotten used to it, but I do look forward to a full night's sleep in my future. There's just something about waking up to a smiling baby looking at you contentedly, signaling all is right in their world because they got to start their day with you.

This child loves books. I mean really loves them. She is routinely found sitting in the living room by the bookshelves paging through them. Hattie also loves to be read to and can sit for quite a while for a child her age listening to a story.

Hattie has some super-duper ticklish spots. If you can manage to get her on back or the sides, she will squeal with delight. The tummy...maybe, under the neck...sure, bet. But the sides and that's the stuff pure laughter is made of.

This little girl brings me so many smiles in a day. I simply can not get enough of her. I am so grateful that God has given her to me to parent. I'm in awe that I have been chosen to be her mother. I didn't think that I would go through another pregnancy...and to hold her in my arms is truly a miracle.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

3 Years Ago...

3 Years ago yesterday...we got the travel call for Cora. She was ready to come home and we were crazy excited to go and pick her up. We made travel plans right away and were fortunate enough to get a flight out so soon.

3 Years ago today... we were leaving on a jet plane. It was a long day, but amazing to look back on it and see God's hand in it every step of the way. It gives me goosebumps reading it all again and reliving it.

Oh. My. Goodness. Even as I am typing, I can see the picture above and honestly, it takes my breath away. Those days were so special, so amazing, so exhausting, and so worth every second.

I can't believe how she has grown these past 3 years. She's come into her own, she's become so loving, and she makes me smile on a daily basis. Cora is such a smart girl, a real charmer, and full of life. She is strong-willed, knows what she wants, and is a real go-getter.

This girl brings so much joy not only to my life, but to this family. We are so incredibly blessed to be her parents and I am beyond grateful that God has brought us together. I can't wait to see God's plans for her life...she is full of so much potential.

Love you, Jihee!

Tuesday Tidbits

We had a busy weekend. Most of my family came to visit for the weekend. Zyra and Aaliyah came on Thursday evening, Mom and Dad arrived Friday afternoon, Jamie came Friday night, and Jill and Joren showed up on Saturday morning. To say sleeping space was at a premium is an understatement.
Since my niece, Aaliyah, is on spring break, she is spending the week with Grammie and Papa. And since we haven't taken a spring break yet, what better week than this one? So guess who also make the trip up north? I am sans two children this week. Ben and Ella were super excited to be able to go. It's amazing how having two less mouths to feed makes for such a quick meal and clean-up. It also makes for a lot less mess in the house. Hmmm...come to think of it, it also makes a lot less noise. ;)
It's tax day, and in true Hubler fashion, we Jason finished them up last night. Oh, the difference between a type A, planner personality and a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants type personality. This time of year always gives me heart palpatations. In Jason's defense, we've never filed late.
Remember how excited I was to see the return of spring? Well, as irony would have it, it's a whopping 21 degrees outside today. Brrr. Seriously so tired of being trapped indoors.
Lily is loving the Fancy Nancy book we got from the library this week. I'm pretty sure she wants to  be fancy just like her.
The Frozen song "Let It Go" is still as popular as ever in our house. How many weeks can this go on?!? Cora asks to watch the Youtube video every. single. day. However, it has taken a new twist. We found this version. It's by Hyolyn and she is korean. Cora cannot get enough of it. There are times that she is singing the song to herself and I can't understand a word of it...I wonder if she is trying to sing it in korean. You can tell there is something comforting to her when she is listening to it.
We had a little bday party for Hattie with my family this weekend. Pics will be coming soon. Suffice it to say, she liked, adored, all-out loved her chocolate cupcake.
On tap for today...a day full of reading books to the girls, sipping hot tea, researching some one year old birthday shoot ideas, and just enjoying the's my spring break too, afterall. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Spring Has Sprung

We had such nice weather this week. Our best day was in the low 70's. The kids played outside so much this week. And have slept sooo good because of it.

It's been such a long harsh winter that it feels like we have been cooped up for months. I am so excited for spring to be here. I want to feel the warm sun on my skin, breathe in the smell of dirt again, and spend lots of my waking hours outside playing with the kids.

I noticed our resident heron has returned. It's a sign that the ice is melting and the seasons are turning. I was trying to be so quiet when I snuck outside to take these pics, but as soon as I made the tiniest of noises, he spread his wings and took flight. He sure is pretty.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Update on Hattie

I took Hattie into the doctor on Monday. Her cough was so aweful that once my mother heard it over the phone, she told me I really should get it checked out. We buzzed over to the clinic where they checked her ears, throat, and lungs.

Although she is having a rough time, it seems to only be bacterial. I am so thankful. I am a mama who doesn't like giving antiobiotics unless absolutely necessary so I was thrilled that she  wasn't going to need any.

We went from this "look" on Sunday night ...

Soaking in the tub (pic taken one handed with my phone) this look Monday afternoon. I was so grateful for some healing!

We are not out of the woods yet, as her cough and goopy nose are still very much with us, but each day gets just a little bit better.

As a mom, it is so hard to see your baby feeling absolutely miserable. I am so thankful that my little Hattie-Cakes has started to return.

Thanks to all of you who have checked in on us. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers. :)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Feeling a Bit Rough...

My poor little wee one. Not much improvement here yet. Hoping that tomorrow will bring us closer to turning the corner. I made homemade chicken noodle soup tonight for the family which got rave reviews from the sick ones all the way to the healthy ones. There's just something about that comfort food, ya' know? I was so pleased that I had stuck away some of my homemade bone broth for such an occasion. Hattie was willing to drink a little as long as Daddy kept spooning it to her.

Last night was pretty rough. She woke up more times than I could keep track of. I do know that by midnight we were closing in on 10 times. Hattie and I slept together in the recliner for a good portion of the night. I did have to change clothes around 2:30 as she had coughed so hard (which makes her gag like crazy) that she threw up twice all over me.

We would love any prayers that you could send our way for some speedy recoveries here in our house. I'm off to distribute some vitamin c and echinacea to the crew.

Friday, April 4, 2014

A Mother's Job is Never Done...

Hattie-Cakes has a cold. A runny nose, clogged throat, a slight fever, "I feel crummy-all-over" kind of cold. Poor baby...the sniffles are no fun. Not to mention that it can be especially cumbersome during nursing.

A mama's job is 24/7. And it is never more true then when a little one is sick. Just because the night comes, does not mean that the job is done for the day. Can't just hang up my hat and say, "Ahhh, work day is over, I'll get to that first thing in the morning." Being a mama is important work and I am always on the clock. Judging by our day, I knew our night was going to be a long one.

Bedtime comes early as I can tell Hattie is finished with her day. She is tuckered out after a day of unrestful naps, I know bedtime needs to be bumped up. Jason takes care of the other four kiddos so I can give all my attention to her. We follow our normal routine: rocking and nursing until she gently and peacefully drifts off to sleep. Admittedly, this is one of my most favorite times of the day. The room is quiet, only the soft hum of the air purifier can be heard. The nightlight casts a warm glow on her soft, pink walls. The door is closed and it's only my baby and me. No words are needed, we just simply enjoy being. These are the moments I savor. I tuck away these memories down in my heart, down in the recesses of my soul, for these days go by too fast. For all too soon, my baby won't be a baby anymore. But it will be these memories that will warm my heart for years to come. I hold onto them with all my might.

Soon, Hattie's breathing has leveled and slowed. She is sleeping, resting, and relaxed. I slowly get up from the rocker and gently kiss her neck as I lay her in her crib, as I do every night. She finds a comfortable position and I quietly slip out of her room.

I've just made it downstairs and set my weary body down on the couch. Jason is now gone, braving the blizzard to get to his hockey game. The monitor lights up. She coughs. She stirs. Coughs some more and sits up. Sigh. Back upstairs I go. Hattie looks up at me, wanting her mama to pick her up. I oblige. I know what it feels like to feel crummy all over and just wanting to be comforted. I cradle her in my arms and we rock back and forth until her breathing slows again. I gently rise and walk back to her crib once more. I bend over and lay her down, praying for healing sleep for her.

I retreat downstairs one more time. Sink into the sofa and turn on the television. A little unwinding after a long day of childcare is needed. Not more than a few minutes pass and I hear footsteps. I mute the tv to hear better and I can tell Ella is coming down the stairs. She's not been feeling well today either and I'm nervous for what her reason is for making the trip to see me.  Headache, sore throat, tummy ache are among the ailments. I snuggle my oldest and offer her comfort. It hits has 9 years passed and my first "baby" isn't a baby at all anymore? I remember when I used to hold her and rock her to sleep. I can hardly fit her on my lap anymore. And yet, she still needs her mama. I usher her off to my bed to sleep, a place she loves to be, that offers her comfort just knowing that mama will be by her side all night.

All is quiet. For now. I settle into a tv show. But soon the monitor lights up red again. Hattie. The coughing has returned, reared it's ugly head, and has forced her awake. She coughs so hard, she gags. Poor baby. Up I run to tend to her. She is so upset at being woken up that I nurse her off to sleep again. Funny thing about nursing...sometimes it's about the food, and sometimes it has nothing to do with it. After much persuasion, she is sleeping once more. Again, we make the familiar trek over to the crib and I lay her down ever so gently. I slip out and head for my own bed. I've been to this rodeo beofore. The one with a sick child, knowing all too well what kind of potential my night has. I crawl into bed next to Ella who instantly curls her body up against mine. And just as I pull the covers up towards my neck, I hear Hattie crying again. The monitor lights up one more time. Oh, this poor sweet girl. And now I'm starting to feel a little sorry for her poor mama too. These last two hours have been a lot of work already and it's not even midnight yet.

I grab my pillow, kiss Ella, and start towards Hattie's room. I scoop her up, snuggle her close, and lay down on the futon mattress I have already placed next to her crib. The only place that seems reasonable to her is right directly on top of me. She positions her head so she can hear my heartbeat, coughs a few more times, and settles into slumber. I lay ever so still, not wanting to disturb her in any way. The minutes tick by...

The clock now says 1:28am. I hear a thump...Cora has just fallen out of her bed. Sigh. I listen, hoping that she is all right. Knowing that tonight, to go and check on her, means I will wake this sleeping sick baby who has told me in so many ways that sleeping next to me is not going to be an option tonight. I don't hear anything, I've concluded that she simply got back up into her bed and has fallen back asleep again.

The time is now 2:30am and my back is starting to show it's displeasure at being in the same exact position for hours how. Due to necessity, I retreat to the rocking chair to nurse an upset Hattie, Hoping upon hope that she will allow me to lay her in her crib once she has finished eating. The ritual is complete and we make our way to the crib. As soon as her head feels the mattress, she is up, showing me her disapproval. I scoop her back up, pull her close, and lay back down on the futon the way she wants. She finds my heartbeat again and settles down.

I glance at the clock and realize that it's 3:40am and I have yet to sleep. At. All. It amazes me how just when I think I can't take much more, the mother inside of me can dig down, and find the strength to keep fighting the fight.

The minutes and the hours tick by. My sweet baby stirs every 10 minutes or so throughout the night. The coughing wakes us both. And I rub her back and coax Hattie back to sleep time and time again.

At 6:42am, morning has come. Despite the fact that she has been awake more times than I care to count, Hattie decides that it's time to start the day. She smiles at me with very tired eyes. I know hers must feel like sand the way mine do. I snuzzle my nose in her downy hair, her fine strands sticking straight up tickling my nose. I breathe in the scent of Burt's Bees shampoo from last night's bath. She nuzzles in, I snuggle her once more and we head downstairs.

I realize two things: 1) I am incredibly tired. 2) I am incredibly blessed to be this baby's mama.

Love you Hattie-Cakes.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Throw Back Thursday

These two are still so close.

Ben enjoying the summer rain

Lily and I at SWS in Seoul, South Korea

Three Muskateers

Cora in her favorite accessory

Hattie's first day home