Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday Tidbits

I think I may have missed my calling. I should have been an event planner. I just have waaay too much fun planning things. I can't even explain how writing a list makes me feel. And then to scratch things off on said list...well, it fills me with warm fuzzies. I had a blast planning my dad's grad party. I can't believe that we pulled off a surprise party with the guest of honor under the roof. That takes some serious work. Can't believe he's got his master's now, such an accomplishment. So proud of him and his example of what hard work and dedication can do for a person.
Since returning from TRF and pulling into the garage at 12:09am last night, I can officially say that I have only logged 4 hours and 15 minutes of sleep. Why is it that when a baby goes to sleep late, they don't just simply sleep in later in the morning?!? Why do they insist on getting up at the same exact time that they would have had they gone to bed at regular time? My brain says that if I got to bed 4+ hours late, I should sleep in 4+ hours longer in the morning. Same question goes for 3 year olds and 5 year olds. This mama just wants some sleep.
Ben is a little tuckered out from the festivities of the weekend. I could do no right by him this morning. Example: Ben started crying when I told him it was time to do school. Why you ask? He was upset because he didn't understand why on earth he couldn't do more chores instead and was being made to work on schoolwork. When this child decided that chores were so much fun is beyond me...in fact, if you asked him last week he would have told you he hated them.
I overheard Lily and Ben having a conversation about what they want to be when they grow up. Ben said he wants to be a dad and a chef. Lily piped up and said "You have to make sure you get married first before you get pregnant, Ben!!" He started laughing and enlightened her that
boys do. not. get. pregnant.
Just in case you were wondering, there is nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby snuggled into a mama's arms. Safe and secure...all being right in their little world. Hattie was still tired when she woke up from her nap, so I sat on the couch and cuddled her. She fell back to sleep for a few hours, it's these moments that I want to savor and remember always. There are dishes to be washed, toys to be picked up, meals to be made...but what's important is the time spent loving my children.
And here are a few pics from the party...have I mentioned that I am so proud of my dad?


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