Sunday, April 14, 2013

38 Week Appointment

I forgot that I hadn't updated for the week...sorry about that! I'll explain why in just a minute.

First things first...

The appointment went great again. She scored a 10 out of 10...meaning the biophysical was awesome, the NST was great, and the amniotic fluid level is still within normal range. I just gotta say that I think I am having a *little* help from above. Usually, the fluid starts to decline once baby starts taking up more room and you are in the last weeks of pregnancy. So to me, this seems like divine intervention.

My doctor said that since my blood sugar numbers are so good that she doesn't see any reason to even talk about any induction possibilities. She told me that she would let me go naturally on my to my ears!


So why didn't I updated on time? Well, there are lots of praises to be sung with the good appointments and the health of the baby. On the other side of the coin, the nausea has come back with a vengence. It's been hard to cope with once again and the days are incredibly long. Add to it that I feel like a hippo and am quite uncomfortable...and well, let's just say that I'm ready for this little one to make her appearance. I'm amazed that I have been sick throughout this entire pregnancy. I did have a few weeks here and there that were quite managable...but those days are long gone. I'm fairly certain this contant companion of mine (nausea) will hang on until delivery.

So if I seem like I am's because I am just trying to make it though to the end. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time.


I wanted to make sure I documented this...cause I want to remember how much it has meant to me. So probably more for my sake than yours, but you will probably smile at the memory along with me.

The nausea was getting quite bad and I was becoming un-functionable once again. I spent time in prayer asking God to lift this burden from me. I want so badly to be able to enjoy these last tuck wonderful memories away. Hard to do when you just want to lay on the bathroom floor. I told God if He would allow her to come early, I would be ever-so-grateful. That this journey was getting to the point where I feel like it's requiring more strength than I've got left. BUT...above my own desires, I want His plan for this baby's life. He formed her, He is allowing me to be her mother, and He's in the driver's seat. With that being said, I asked that if it's not in the plan for her to come early, that He would provide me with the strength I need to get through. Within 24 hours of this conversation, my friend Tricia contacted me and said that she had a meal ready for my family. It was such a blessing, because it was something I could eat without throwing my blood sugars off and not only that, but it was a double batch. That alone saved me from having to make 2 meals and struggle with the cooking of it all. Another 24 hours later, my friend Sarah texted me. She told me that she was coming over to clean my house and that I better have a list ready for her. And she wasn't taking No for an answer.

What a huge blessing these two woman turned out to be for me. Just when I felt like I was once again hanging on by a thread, God called into action two of His servants. They both blessed me immensily. Not just by what they provided (which was amazing), but by making me feel loved and that I wasn't alone. It encouraged me and lifted my spirits. God knew I needed it...and what I needed even more was to have the confirmation that He is right here with me as well.

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