Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Lily's Hanbok

This year in school, we are Galloping the Globe. It's a fabulous curriculum and we are having so much fun with it. Every two weeks we "gallop" to another country to learn all that we can about it. It's a unit study which means we are able to incorporate almost every subject right into our country. A couple of weeks ago, the country was South Korea. And since that hits so close to home for us, we had a mighty fun time researching and learning all we could about it.

We learned that Seoul is the capital of South Korea and also located all the birth cities of the Ben, Lily, and Cora. We practiced and worked on our Korean language. We learned about tea fields, the life of a family in South Korea, their homes, what they eat, what they do for jobs, etc. We learned how to play Korean hopscotch and drew big boards out on the driveway with sidewalk chalk. We cooked and ate some delicious meals...sampling some new ones and noshing on a bunch of our favorites.

And at the end, we got out the hanboks. Hanboks are traditional Korean clothes. Jason couldn't resist snapping a picture of Lily in hers. She received it from her FosterMom whom she lovingly refers to as Omma. 감사합니다 엄마. (Thank You, Omma)


Mrs. Nam said...
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Mrs. Nam said...
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Mrs. Nam said...
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Mrs. Nam said...


한복입은 모습이 정말 예쁘구나!
(How beautiful girl you are wearing Hanbok!)

감사해요. (Thanks.)

모두 건강하세요. (All of you are healthy.)
