Yesterday was a big day in the Hubler house...a big day for each one of us in our own special way. It was Ben's Adoption Hearing. Everything is official, legally Ben is now our son. It feels so good to have had the hearing and hear the judge declare that we are legally a family. Oh, yes, we've been a family since the day we accepted Ben's referral, it became so much more a reality when we flew to Korea and picked him up, but now to have reached the last step and have the courts recognize it too...well, it was a great day. It's hard to believe that in less than one year from the start of this journey, we are all finished...everything is finalized!
We arrived early for our 3:30pm appt. and since they were running ahead of schedule, we were ushered into the courtroom 20 minutes early. The Honorable Susan Burke swore us in and we had to answer a series of questions, mostly items that were on our adoption petition. This was a very short process, it only took about 5 minutes and then she declared that our "adoption petition has been granted". We smiled and hugged. We are so blessed to be able to parent this little boy. We are so honored that God chose us to be his family. We are so excited to know that we will get to spend every waking day with Ben, watching him grow. We are so grateful that God enriched our lives by bringing him into our family. And we have so much respect for his birthmother who chose to make a birthplan for Ben, allowing him to have a Mom, Dad, and sister that love him so dearly.
As happy as I am for our family, I also felt a little sad inside yesterday. I thought about Ben's birthmother and I hope that somehow, in some sort of crazy way, she will know that he is being well taken care of and loved immensily. I wish I could let her know just how happy he is.
When we were all done, the judge even let us come up front for some pictures. This is one of them.
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