Help! We are being eaten by the laundry monster! I'm not sure where it all came from and why I can't seem to get a simple load of laundry done these days...but the fact of the matter is we are drowning in the stuff! I guess that's what being a mom is about, right? It's the letting go of always having the have the house clean, always wanting the clutter put away, and always feeling the need to have everything in it's place. I used to be like that...and I used to believe that. Thank goodness I had kids to put me in my place and show me what's really important in life. It's not the entry way that should be swept, it's not the sheets that need their weekly spin in the washer, and it's not the microwave that should be washed out each day...it's the time spent investing and interacting with my children. Don't get me wrong, I don't live in a pig-sty...but it's important for me to keep the truly important things important. However, if you happen to know of a maid service that will work for cheap...give me a call!
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