Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Bottle Strike!

Ugh...have you ever heard of a "bottle strike"? I've heard of a "nursing strike"...but not wanting a bottle?!? Now that one is new to me. It has been a long month and a half as Ben has been giving us a run for our money in the eating department. Every day is a struggle. He will take a few swallows, or if I'm lucky, a few ounces and then cry, arch his back, and refuse to eat any more. A couple of weeks ago he cut his first tooth and the second came through just 5 days later. I was thinking that maybe he was rejecting the bottle because his gums hurt...but now it's been 2 weeks since he cut those teeth and he is still doesn't want to drink. I was hoping once the teeth came through, it would be the end of this issue. No luck.

I brought it up to my pediatrican at his 6 month appt and she seemed a little stumped. She checked his ears, throat, etc and medically he's fine. I brought him in again yesterday and she again checked his ears, throat, etc. and medically everything checked out. He is certainly healthy and is not lacking in the weight area. In fact, he's a champ when it comes to his weight. He has now broken the 20 pound marker which is validation for why my back aches after carrying him in his car seat for more than 2 minutes. How can this be if he's not eating, you ask? It's because I don't give up when he won't drink. An ounce here, and few swallows do this all day long and he gets his needed fluid intake, but I'm stressed and frustrated by the end of the day. Usually I have to wait until he naps and then just when he's falling asleep, I slip the bottle in his mouth and he drinks a little until he wakes up enough to know what's going on. Then it's back to the screaming and back-arching. The pediatrician supported my idea of taking Ben into the International Adoption Clinic and the U of M. They are known throughout the US for setting such a high standard for adoptive children. And as luck should have it (and we all know it's not luck at all, but God working) our insurance covers it 100%.

The Adoption Clinic usually has a couple month wait time...they are literally booked that far out. I called yesterday and low and behold, an appointment time had just opened up for this Friday at 8am. Can you say "miracle"!! God is opening the door once again for us and providing for Ben. I'm so thankful that I can see God working in my life...that He allows me to see His hand at work and know that it's not just a concidence. So...we are off to the clinic on Friday. Pray that we can find some sort of solution to this issue. My overall sanity may just depend on it. We'll keep you updated.

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