Monday, February 29, 2016

How do you do school work?

Poor Ben. The things he puts up with while trying to get school done.

Monday, February 22, 2016

There really are no words...

Friday, February 19, 2016

Why is my back so dumb?

Hey ho, my back is out...
Makes me so mad I wanna shout.

Life is gonna be hard today...
Really wish the pain would go away.

The chiropractor I did see...
"Make it better" was my only plea.

"Don't forget that ice is your friend...
Before long you'll be on the mend."

(Or so he said.)

Pretty Girl

I just love this girlie.  She makes my heart explode.

I feel so blessed beyond measure to be able to be her mama.  I do for all my kids,  but to have been blessed with one more baby...sigh....I just feel so grateful.

A conversation that just took place:
Me: what's my first name? 
Hattie: Danyelle
Me: what's my last name? 
Hattie: mama
Me : Danyelle Mama?
Hattie: (with much conviction) Yep!

Big beautiful eyes and lip gloss...

Yoga...kid style

The kids have started doing yoga each night.  They are absolutely loving it. Even Hattie gets into it.

This YouTube channel I found has a lady who tells a story and incorporates the moves into that.  The kids barely realize they are even exercising.

Now if adult exercising was only that simple...