Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tuesday Tidbits

I overheard Lily and Hattie playing together yesterday. As a side note, these two play super-duper well together. Lily has such an interest in Hattie and that little girl will follow her big sister just about anywhere. Anyway, back to the thought at hand...I overheard them playing together...
Lily: Hattie, come on! Let's go play Baby Factory!!
We are getting ready to leave for Thanksgiving up at Grammie and Papa's house. I can't wait to go and spend some much needed quite time up there. With the impending move coming soon, there's not much time left to enjoy the house and the all memories it holds. Seems I'm not the only one as the kids are feeling some of the same things.
Grammie came to visit this past week and Ben asked what time she was going to be here. I answered and asked him why? He answered I haven't seen her in so long, I can hardly remember what she looks like. Aaahhh, I'm thinking the boy misses his Grammie. And now I'm fairly certain she won't go so long without a visit again. ;)
Hattie has started talking up a storm! She has so many words in her vocabulary now. The other day I heard her say "mon, Daddy" (translation: c'mon daddy).
This dog may be the death of me. On yesterday's chew list: Hattie's pink blanket, Lily's headband, 2 socks, and a domino. Before you judge, Yes...I had the kids exercise her outside, yes...she had a doggie bone to chew on, and yes...she had had plenty of play time. If dogs could talk, my first question would be "why don't you choose the bone when it's right next to you?!?"
Off to enjoy some homemade m&m cookies. A rarity in this house so I'm gonna savor every bite. Not to mention that I am soon to be on a real health kick. Will tell why in another post.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Throwback Thursday



Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Gonna put up a few pics to get myself back in the game.

I have such good intentions with this blog and then life happens. Life. With 5 children. Homeschooling. A baby. There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day.

Did I mention that whenever I sit down to put up a post, this phenomenon happens:
One of any of the 5 children immediately come into the office to ask me a question, or ten. But not in succession. The sweet child will ask me a question, disrupt my train of thought, wait for an answer, stand there for about two minutes (obviously waiting for me to get back to what I was doing (what thought was that again that I was going to write about?), notice I am back in my groove, ask me a second question, disrupt my train of thought, wait for an answer, stand there for about 2 minutes (obviously waiting for me to get back to what I was doing (what was that funny sentence I had thought up?), notice I am back in my groove, ask me a third question, disrupt my train of thought, wait for an answer, stand there for about 2 minutes (obviously waiting for me to get back to what I was doing (what was that story I wanted to make sure I shared?), notice I am back in my groove....and on and on it goes. Until I look down at my screen, realize I have been trying to post for about 20 minutes and all I have to show for it is 3 meager sentences. That's when I throw my hands up in the air, resign myself to another day passing with no blog post, and let out a deep sigh.

How's that for a Wordless Wednesday? By the way, just in case you were wondering, here's the tally: Cora was at my side for the entire writing of this post, 5 questions were asked. Lily was close behind with 2 interruptions regarding a pencil that was the perfect color, but was in dire need of being sharpened...right. now.

On to a pic or two...

Hattie loves to play babies... 

This is her "go to" smile these days... 
Domino days to keep us entertained when it's so cold outside...