Saturday, February 4, 2012

Gorgeous Morning

It always amazes me how God creates something magnificent and beautiful from the ordinary.

We woke to gigantic icicles hanging from everything. Trees, bushes, the house, you name it.

For the sun not being out, it's actually quite bright. White icicles against a white sky...not really all that colorful, yet there is certainly beauty in it.

These are one of the many times I feel priveledged that God allows me to witness his handiwork.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


3 months old...already?!? This little guy gets cuter by the day.

Could these legs be any more squishy? I love, love, love little baby rolls.

He's so cute when he coos and smiles...

And his mom? Well...she glows. I've never seen a more beautiful mother.