Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Just keepin' it real.

Growing up way too fast for my liking.

What's a mom to do?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Peaches for You, Peaches for Me

Every August, my Mom brings me one of my most favorite presents. I look forward to it all year...especially during those cold winter days.

This year...well, this year, my Dad came in the house carrying four lugs of beautiful, delicious peaches.

After the kids went to bed, Jason and I started jamming...and canning...and freezing for the upcoming cold months. I'm tellin' ya...there's just nothing better than homemade peach ice cream in the middle of January. Here's just a sampling...

Oooh, can't wait to get my knife into this!

Monday, August 15, 2011


Just cause I couldn't keep this picture all to myself.

Peacefully resting...

Don't ya just want to snuggle her?!?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I'm In Love...

...with this face.

(Chocolate cake and all)

Can you blame me?

My Zucchinis Runneth Over

My zucchinis are growing like crazy and I bet I have about 7 of them currently in my fridge.

Although I may not have to worry about it much longer.

Why, you ask?

Because a pocket gopher has taken up residence in my garden. (insert sniffle here)

He has made himself an intricate labyrinth of tunnels beneath the soil's surface.

And me? Well, I get to look at those annoying, frustrating, gorgeous mounds of dirt like connect-the-dots between all my plants.

Today I spent two hours on my knees poking wire down below the dirt's surface trying to locate the entrances to his underground world. I found 5...count 'em...5 tunnels!

Mr. Pocket Gopher... I have just declared war. Your eviction notice is comin' my friend.