Whoa! My little man is getting to be quite the good crawler. He has improved his speed by quite a bit over the last week. I can't take my eyes off of him unless I want to turn around to see some disaster taking place. Last night Jason was downstairs with the kids. Ella was having some issue about folding clothes (we seem to have a lot of issues these days) so while he was taking care of that Ben made his escape. When Jason turned back around, he could hear the little guy, but couldn't see him. Turned out that Ben had crawled under the coffee table, found himself a graham cracker on the floor (a left-over from Ella, I suppose) and was sitting there munching away. When Jason found him, he said Ben was as happy as a clam and oh so proud of himself. Aahhhh, at least it was only a graham cracker! Sometimes we call him "Dennis the Menace" when he is getting into everything to which Ella replies at the top of her lungs "Menace the Menace...Menace the Menace" while running gleefully in circles. Oh, the life of a busy mom!